The 2050 Calculator
A fresh approach to modelling energy and emissions
2050 Calculator Community Conference
International Conference on 2050 Calculator
Taiwan 2015
Summary of the International Conference on 2050 Calculators.
The purpose of the conference was to further strengthen a global community of 2050 teams who have adopted, or are looking to develop the calculator model for thinking about their energy and emissions systems. It was a way to showcase each countries work to others, learn from each other’s best practice and network with other 2050 Calculator Teams.
The conference drew from experts across the world that has worked on 2050 methodology. Teams that have been working for over the past 4 years on country calculators, those who have been connected to the work on the 2050 Global Calculator and teams/individuals who will be taking this 2050 work into the future with new projects will all benefit from this international event.
DECC, ITRI and IGES worked in partnership to make this event dynamic and beneficial to all present. Together with experts from across the globe to exchange and discuss ideas on the 2050 Calculator approaches. This was an excellent opportunity to discuss the work that has already been accomplished through the 2050 community, but also has helped to shape and develop ideas for the future of it.
Discussions focused on the following subjects:
Communicating the Calculator to the Public
Modelling Energy Security, GDP and population
Sector examples
Modelling GhG & Renewable Scenarios
Modelling Land-use
Modelling Electricity Systems and food security
Regionalisation and Legacy
New Teams for 2050 Calculators
The Global Calculator Modelling – Please see here the link to the website with access to download the tools report:
Workshop on a Lasting 2050 Community
The conference also included presentations on the key messages of the Country Calculators from the UK, Japan and Taiwan. For any resources or presentation notes, please refer to this link to the Programme:
Conclusions/Work going forward:
Publishing a special issue for 2050 calculator at the end of this year. These papers can be very worthy assets for 2050 community which make all experts around the world know better about the potential and advantages of 2050 calculator. The special issue of 2050 calculator can be uploaded to 2050 community website to attract more energy modeler or energy policy makers’ attention. The author guide can be found in the following webpage:
Completion the 2050 Book – how to build your own Calculator.
Launching a new online community
Video Links:
Website links & Contacts: