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What is a 2050 Calculator?


The 2050 Calculator is an open source model of the energy system that can be used to identify a range of physically possible scenarios for the future and explore their impacts. This could be with the aim of reducing emissions to tackle climate change, conserving natural resources like water, or reducing dependence on fuel imports.


Users control the calculator by making choices using a number of "levers" (usually between 25 and 40). These levers make a change in either the supply or demand of energy in a particular sector, for example building nuclear power stations, or reducing the distance people travel by car. The combination of these choices creates a "pathway", and the calculator then displays the implications of the pathway over time (for example in terms of energy demand, emissions, land use or air quality).


A calculator gives people a platform to have more informed conversations, and those in power the information to make better decisions. It can be used to answer questions like:

  • How much energy can we supply from different technologies?

  • What is the cost of different energy pathways?

  • Which sectors are the ones we should focus on? Which are less important?

  • How can we achieve our emissions targets?

  • What impact would different pathways have on our air quality and land area?

  • What could happen to our energy dependency and security?

  • What technology options are publically acceptable?


The calculator can be tailored for different audiences. Three main versions have been made so far:

  • The full model, built in Excel, which contains all the calculations and assumptions. This allows expert users to examine pathways in more detail or to vary options to suit their needs.

  • The web tool, an interactive and user-friendly web interface that allows users to explore all the options in an easy way. This is aimed at policy makers and stakeholders, but is also suitable for members of the public who are very interested in the subject.

  • My2050, a simplified, game-style version that is aimed at the general public.




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